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Kompjuter Lenovo AIO IdeaCentre 3 24IAP7, 23,8", Intel Core i3-1215U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Integrated Intel UHD Graphics, i zi

Kompjuter Lenovo AIO IdeaCentre 3 24IAP7, 23,8", Intel Core i3-1215U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Integrated Intel UHD Graphics, i zi

Garancioni: 2 vite Origjina e brendit: China Kodi:
678.50 €
Përfshirë TVSH-në Pa TVSH 628.24 €
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Gjirafa pay plan with KEP për 36 muaj
Kompjuter Lenovo AIO IdeaCentre 3 24IAP7, 23,8", Intel Core i3-1215U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Integrated Intel UHD Graphics, i zi
Kompjuter Lenovo AIO IdeaCentre 3 24IAP7, 23,8", Intel Core i3-1215U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Integrated Intel UHD Graphics, i zi
678.50 €
Gjirafa pay plan with KEP
GjirafaPayPlan with KEP
per 36 muaj sipas kushteve te kredise ne KEP
Periudha e kredise
Shuma e kestit per muaj:
Raifeissen Bank Raifeissen Bank
24 këste pa kamatë për 28,27 € / muaj
Teb Bank Teb Bank
24 këste pa kamatë për 28.27 € / muaj

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Lenovo PC AIO IdeaCentre 3 24IAP7, Intel Core i3-1215U(6C/8T,10MB), 23.8" FHD (1920x1080)IPS 250nits AG, 8GB(1x8GB) DDR4-3200,256GB SSD M.2, Integrated Intel® UHD Graphics, HD 720p Cam, WLAN+ BT, RJ-45, USB KB+Mouse, FreeDOS,Black, 2Y, International English

Kapaciteti i RAM [GB]:


Diagonalja e ekranit ["]:


Kartë grafike:

Intel UHD Graphics

Lloji i procesorit:

Intel Core i3

Sistemi operativ:




Modeli i procesorit:

1215U (1.2/4.4 GHz 6-cores / 8-threads)

Garancioni nga prodhuesi:

2 vite

Kapaciteti i HDD-së:

1TB M.2



Kapaciteti i SSD-së:

256GB SSD M.2 2280


USB KB+Mouse



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Blej tani
Kompjuter Lenovo AIO IdeaCentre 3 24IAP7, 23,8", Intel Core i3-1215U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Integrated Intel UHD Graphics, i zi
678.50 €
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